Monday 16 December 2019


Brought back a lot of good memories. Trust me when I say the pummeling action is simply not to be missed; there's really nothing quite like it. At different points in an area, the player may find a catapult, which when used will send the player to the next location near instantaneously. With graphics and audio that feel at least five years old and a clunky combo system that are all easily ignored, the puzzles and size of the game are what really make up the overall experience. I hated the comic books, I hated those damn movies and I hate them now! Among these resolute Gauls are our two heroes: They learn from the Roman agent that their fellow villagers have been kidnapped by the Romans. asterix obelix kick buttix

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The voice acting is also pretty good for the type of game this is. Each province with the exceptions of Gaul and Rome contain unique enemies native to that area. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. You can play as both Asterix and Obelix and alternate between theme for various situations. Thus, Getafix returns to the village, and Asterix, Obelix and Dogmatix set off to the first location to free their fellow villagers from the clutches of the Romans.

Adults will move through relatively quickly and may lose interest before the end but the cartoon graphics are so perfect and funny that the kiddies should enjoy it all the way through. Transport in the game is fulfilled by a manner of catapulting.

asterix obelix kick buttix

The potion allows Asterix to defeat Romans in a single hit, and to run much faster. After consuming the potion, the player becomes much more powerful for an extremely limited time.

Other challenges in the keeping of the flame include passages if a cave with high winds xsterix need to be passed with good timing.

Different costumes and combos. Asterix and Obelix then follow him to a dock, where he points out two barges far off in the distance, and mentions that their friends are probably being held buttiix aboard them. He will bite the enemy soldiers, causing them to drop their weapons and rendering them easily vulnerable to attack.

asterix obelix kick buttix

The level design is perfect. The laurel wreaths when collected permit the player to unlock hidden bonuses, such astedix new attire, purely for cosmetic aaterix.

One of the key elements to civilization is fire so it might as well playa a large role here as well. This budget platformer's few interesting ideas are submerged under its litany of half measures and conventionalities, which include an outdated graphics engine, relentlessly boring level design, and heaps of sterilized button mashing.

Asterix & Obelix: Kick Buttix

The plot is very simple and cartoony, I like that, it works nicely with the series. The Mansions of the Gods Asterix: Throughout the game, players may find Golden laurel wreaths, accessible under different conditions; some are as simple as picking them up, while others are obtained by complex puzzles or fulfilling various conditions. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Asterix hurries off to investigate, while Obelix remains and searches for Dogmatix.

Players may redeem helmets collected from defeated Romans. In each province, the heroes will encounter the Roman agent, who will provide them with helpful information on operating machinery and bring them up to date on the Romans' latest plans. Gauls just wanna have fun. So begins an adventure of historic proportions.

asterix obelix kick buttix

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. The ordinary grunts are the easiest to defeat, with many more powerful classes of enemies. Views Read Edit View history. The story is pretty simple, just like in the movies.

Asterix & Obelix XXL - Wikipedia

At different points in an area, the player may find a catapult, which when used will send the player to the next location near instantaneously. I standed hours in the front of the PS2 playing it, and even now i want to play it again.

If all goes well, the result will be a lit barrel of explosives that will clear a new space and allow the duo to progress. There, he meets up with Obelix, who tells him that Dogmatix is still nowhere to be found. Release Date September 14,

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